

Jag blev utmanad av både Frida och Ninni till att göra den här. Så jag blev ju helt klart tvungen. Hoppas ni nu vet lite mera om lilla mig. 
I got tagged by both Frida and Ninni to do this one. So I just had to. Hope you now know a bit more about little old me.  

Fem grejer jag behöver varje dag
Five things I need everyday

1. Telefonen. Jag går ingenstans utan den. 2. Vatten  Jag försöker dricka åtminstone 2 liter per dag så det betyder att jag har ett vattenglas brevid mig all the time. 3. Min dator  4. Tandborste 5. Morgonmål
1. My phone. I go nowhere without it. 2. Water. I am trying to drink atleast 2 litres per day so that means that I have a glas beside me all the time. 3. My computer 4. Toothbrush 5. Breakfast

Fem böcker jag rekommenderar
Five books I recommend

1. Harry Potter 2. Men mest av allt vill jag hångla med nån (Linda Skugge) 3. Främlingen (Diana Gabaldon) 4. The Fault in Our Stars (John Green) 5. Looking for Alaska (John Green)
1. Harry Potter 2. Men mest av allt vill jag hångla med nån (Linda Skugge) 3. Outlander (Diana Gabaldon) 4. The Fault in Our Stars (John Green) 5. Looking for Alaska (John Green)

Jag borde definitivt ta upp läsandet igen. Jag saknar det. Och jag har så många böcker som jag inte läst ännu.
 I really should take up reading again. I miss it. And I have so many books that I haven’t read yet. 

Fem materialistiska presentönskemål
Five material wishes

1. Coastal Scents 88 original palettevar uri = ‘http://impse.tradedoubler.com/imp?type(inv)g(18839584)a(1996516)’ + new String (Math.random()).substring (2, 11); document.write(‘‘); 2. “Mysterious Universe” Hollow Back Dress 3. Ipad 4. Deborah Lippmann nailpolishes 5. New shoes.

Fem platser jag vill besöka
Five places I want to visit
1. Stockholm 2. Paris 3. Japan 4. L.A 5. New York

Fem adjektiv som beskriver mig bäst
Five adjectives that describe me best
Glad /Happy
Galen / Crazy
Snäll / Kind
Nördig / Nerdy
Lat / Lazy
Fem livstips jag vill dela med mig
Five lifetips I want to share
“Happiness is a choice.” – Shay Butler
“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude” – Thomas Jefferson
“Suddenly I remembered the words, those who are hardest to love need it the most.” – Unknown
 “There is no such thing as bad ideas, just poorly executed awesome ideas.” – Damon Salvatore
“Spend a little more time trying to make something of yourself and a little less time trying to impress people…” – The Breakfast Club
Fem inspirerande tjejer jag vill utmana vidare
Five inspiring girls I want to challenge next


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